5 Tips to Ward Off Cold Weather

Colder weather brings plenty of changes, especially in the ways you take care of your home and self. Especially when the temperature drops, extreme winter conditions can play havoc not only with your skin and health but also your family’s comfort.

Take steps to protect your family and household as the weather starts to cool this season with these practical tips:

Take steps to help prevent the flu. As temperatures drop, the chances of getting sick rise. That’s partly because certain germs and viruses thrive in colder temperatures, and because the cold puts extra strain on your immune system. When it is cold outside, people are also more likely to spend time indoors (and in closer quarters) where germs are more easily spread. Do your part to help prevent the flu by washing your hands often and covering your mouth or nose when you cough or sneeze. Also, be sure to stay home if you’re sick and avoid exposing others to your illness.

Prepare your wardrobe. Colder weather outside means more skin sensitivities and dryness. Long pants and sleeves don’t just add warmth; they also protect your skin from harsh outdoor elements. When you haul your winter wardrobe out of storage, start the season on a comfy note by washing everything with an option like ‘all Free Clear Liquid Detergent or Mighty Pacs. It’s the No. 1 laundry detergent brand recommended by dermatologists, allergists, and pediatricians for sensitive skin due to its hypoallergenic formula.

Dress in layers from head to toe. Bundle up with winter accessories to match the daily weather forecast. For chillier mornings and nights, cover exposed areas such as your head with a hat, neck with a scarf and hands with gloves. To accommodate warmer weather during the day, layer flexible clothing options to accommodate temperature shifts.

Stay active. Physical activity naturally warms your body in the short term. In fact, shivering is your body’s natural physical response to generate body heat when you’re cold. Aside from the immediate benefits, keeping active during the colder months can help in other ways, too. A healthy cardiovascular system keeps your blood flow steady and strong, and a good circulatory system plays an important role in keeping your body, and especially your extremities, warm when temperatures take a dip.

Nourish your body and skin. Preventing painful dry cracks and itchy, scaly skin is a job that requires attention inside and out. Externally, moisturize shortly after showering to trap in the water lingering on your skin, use extra lotion throughout the day on areas prone to drying and reapply lotion after washing hands. Remember to protect sensitive spots like your lips that can easily chap and crack. You can also prevent dry skin by ensuring you’re drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet with plenty of essential vitamins and healthy fats.

For more ideas to prepare for the changing weather, visit all-laundry.com.

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