This Summer, Klamath County residents have an opportunity to learn about and purchase discounted heating systems through Energize Klamath, a community-based energy efficiency program.

Energize Klamath offers a limited-time opportunity to reduce the regular price of a ductless heat pump by $700-$1,300. This nonprofit program is designed to simplify the installation process for customers, and to provide guidance on utility incentives offered by Pacific Power. From 2016-2022, 720 people participated in Energize programs in Jackson, Josephine, Douglas and Coos Counties, and more than 220 participants installed ductless heat pumps in their homes and businesses.

Ductless heat pumps use 25-50 percent less energy than traditional electric heating systems, resulting in lower utility bills. They provide both heating and cooling, and are known for being very quiet, for maintaining steady temperature control, and for requiring minimal maintenance.
These systems have at least one head unit indoors, usually placed high on the wall, a compressor located outside, and a refrigerant line connecting them. They are often easily installed within a day because there is no ductwork needed.
To be eligible for the program discount, the first step is to attend a free, one-hour online workshop scheduled for July 14, August 3 or August 23. Participants will hear from installation professionals about ductless technology, learn about utility incentives, and have an opportunity to ask questions. After attending a workshop, participants are eligible to receive the community discount off the cost of the installation.
In addition to the discounted purchase price, area utilities are offering incentives and rebates. Pacific Power customers may qualify for $500-$2,500 in cash incentives through the Energy Trust of Oregon, if upgrading from another electric heat source (except existing heat pumps). The standard incentive is $500.
There are also incentives for income-qualified customers ($1000), manufactured homes ($2500), site-built homes ($2000), single-family rentals ($1000) and multi-family homes ($800). Midstate Electric Cooperative offers incentives for ductless heat pump upgrades as well.
Earlier this Spring, Energize Klamath organized local volunteers to select an installation contractor through a competitive bidding process. A team of area residents and energy professionals evaluated to confirm that a Klamath-based installer can meet criteria for pricing, customer service, and quality of products. The pre-approved installer for the program is Seasons Change Energy Solutions Heating and Air Conditioning.

For more information and to register for a free workshop this summer, go to or call 541-632-4432.