This weekend, Oregonians will spring forward by setting clocks ahead one hour (officially at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 10), and safety advocates want to remind travelers that changes to sleeping patterns can result in drowsy driving – and that can be fatal for anyone out using the transportation system, whether in a car, on foot, riding or rolling.
Drowsy driving can be deadly just like driving impaired. From 2013 – 2017 in Oregon, 58 people died in crashes involving a drowsy driver – and officials believe the real number is likely higher. Unlike drunk driving, driving drowsy is not a behavior people readily recognize as wrong. Around one-third of American drivers have admitted falling asleep at the wheel, and more than half (60 percent) said they have driven while drowsy, according to a National Sleep Foundation poll. But like impaired driving, the consequences of drowsy driving can be tragic. And like impaired driving, it’s preventable. Visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for tips on avoiding drowsy driving, how to recognize it, and what to do… before it’s too late.