Bullet Rental & Sales, Inc / Mustang, become corporate sponsors for the Children’s Museum of Klamath
Falls (CMKF).
Children’s Museum of Klamath Falls, a locally run volunteer non-profit that caters to families and friends
of the basin (lots of tourists in the summer) received a $1,200 corporate sponsor donation from a new partner,
Bullet Rental & Sales, Inc/ Mustang.
Angela Vargas, Assistant Manager and Juanita Rodgers part time floor staff hold signage that will be placed on the exhibit of the donor’s choice. These Corporate Donors
Volunteers are a huge asset to the project of our organization but having a few paid staff on hand is crucial.
These Corporate Sponsors (Donors) ensure that we are financially able to do this.
Children’s Museum is happy to say they are half way there of their goal of 12 Corporate Sponsors.
The more support, the more hours they can open to the public providing a safe and fun learning environment
for their guests.
The mission of the museum is: To provide a fun, interactive environment for children and families to explore and discover the ever-changing world around them. Through the arts, sciences and humanities we
hope to stimulate the creative potential within us all.
Numerous other offerings include Birthday Parties, Corporate Parties, Meeting Rooms, Baby Showers,
Graduation Parties, Sports Banquets, Wedding Receptions, Blacklight Dances, and numerous other celebratory events. Let your imagination run wild.
Hours of operation and event rentals can be found on Face book and their webpage at www.cmkf.org