For Outdoor Enthusiasts, Klamath Falls Nature Walks

A series of evening nature walks will be offered in May and June in Klamath Falls by a group of local outdoor enthusiasts.

The series, titled “Klamath Backyard Nature Walks,” will be offered at 6 p.m. Wednesdays from May 15 through June 12.

Discussion during the walks will be based on outlines from Oregon State University’s Master Naturalist program.

“The backyard portion of our theme is in reference to open spaces right on the edge of town,” said Ron Crete, one of the program organizers. “We’d like to invite people to join us as we explore some of the wildness that is often found just a few blocks down the street from the house.”

Ron Crete

Each hike will explore a different aspect of the natural ecosystem of the Upper Klamath River Basin. Hikes will last about an hour and a half, and cover up to two miles.

The first hike, on May 15, will explore forests of the Klamath Basin, with a special focus on the role of fire in pine forests of Eastern Oregon.

Other organizers of the hike series include Pat Colahan, Jerry Haugen, Todd Kepple, and Steve Sheehy. The hikes are offered in partnership with the Klamath Falls City Parks Department.

The following hikes are planned, listed with the theme, location and degree of difficulty:

  • May 15 – Forests of Klamath, Moore Park loop, meet at the tennis courts, easy.
  • May 22 – Grasses and rangeland, the crossover trail to Link River, meet in Moore Park picnic area, easy to moderate.
  • May 29 – Klamath watershed, Conger Heights, meet at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service office on California Avenue, moderate, with a long hill to climb.
  • June 5 – Juniper woodlands, Eulalona Trail, meet at trailhead above Riverside School, easy.
  • June 12 – Klamath geology, Moore Park backcountry, meet at trailhead above Riverside School, moderate to difficult, with steep trail and uneven ground.

For information, call Ron Crete at 218-841-7101.

The effects of a 2009 prescribed burn in Moore Park will be discussed during a nature walk on Wednesday, May 15.

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