National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 2nd, 2019, Glad Tidings Worship Centre

The Churches of the Nation are gathering in one Accord!

You are invited to the Klamath Falls area National Day of Prayer at Glad Tidings Worship Centre.

Help us pray for the Nation.  The National Day of Prayer mobilizes believers and unifies public prayer for America.

Come hear our speakers at our gathering here in the Basin, and let’s keep our eyes on this vision across America.

Thousands upons thousands will pray for our country and our leaders in all kinds of settings across the U.S.  We hope you will join us at Glad Tidings.

National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 2nd, 2019

Glad Tidings Worship Centre
1007 Pine Street (Between 10th and 11th Street)
Klamath Falls Oregon 97601

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