Purpose Workshop At the Fairview YMCA Sponsored By Blue Zones Project

FREE Workshop: Co-Hosted with Klamath Falls YMCA.
Purpose isn’t just more time, it’s time for what matters most.

Blue Zones Project ® – Klamath Falls and The YMCA invite community members and media to a Free Purpose Workshop on Tuesday, April 16 from 6 pm to 8 pm at Fairview YCMA, 1017 Donald Street.

This fun, interactive workshop will guide participants through activities to help them identify their gifts, values, and passions. Based on the framework developed by Richard Leider, Inventure Group founder, the workshop helps people discover and develop their personal sense of purpose.

Jessie Hecocta will facilitate the workshop. Hecocta works as Relationship Manager for Blue Zones Project-Klamath Falls and has a background in building and facilitating comprehensive well-being programs.

The research of National Geographic Fellow, Dan Burden showed that the longest-lived people were able to clearly identify their life’s purpose. Living with a sense of purpose and passion is one aspect to an overall sense of well-being and has proven to add an average of seven years to a person’s life. Those interested in attending are asked to RSVP by calling 541-227-2512 or emailing BlueZonesProject@healthyklamath.org.

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