Summertime is Here! Let’s Get the Fun Started, Safely!

With the kids out of school and the days getting longer and warmer, now is a great time to take a few quick, preventive measures so you and your family can stay safe, all summer long.

Trim the bushes. If you live in a wildfire-prone area, clear brush and debris away from around your home and cut back trees that overhang your home or garage. Even if you don’t live in a dry area, keep trees and bushes trimmed and away from your grill or firepit.

Patch cracks in the driveway. Summer is the perfect time to make repairs on your driveway, to keep your (and your guests’) vehicles from getting damaged.

Stay hydrated. Experts suggest the “8×8 rule” — drinking 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water each day.

Want more tips for summertime safety?
Ready to Dive Into Summer Activities? Here’s How to Do It Safely.
Summer Home Maintenance Checklist
What else can you do to protect yourself and your family this summer?

Summer travel should be stress-free. Chubb’s Passport 360 policy gives you and your loved ones 24-7 access to leading medical and travel assistance services. Coverage includes medical evacuation/transportation, emergency care and communication of critical information, so you can venture worry-free to new, exotic locales.

For more information on how to proactively tackle travel’s many “what ifs”, click here for more information.

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