Yodels Is Looking for a Good Home…available at Klamath Animal Shelter.

This week’s pet featured from the Klamath Animal Shelter is a dog named ” Yodels “.
Yodels is a 7 month old male Alaskan Malamute mix and is ready for adoption and a good home.  He is black and white and weighs around 48 pounds.
Yodels owner felt that living on a farm was not the right fit for him, as with most northern breeds, he showed a little too much interest in his feathered farm mates. They said that he is started on his house training, has been around children as young as 12 years, and he lived with other large dogs. 
He is a wonderful friend.  If you are interested in adopting Yodels you can reach the shelter at 541-884-PETS (541-884-7387) or stop by Klamath Animal Shelter at 4240 Washburn Way, Monday through Friday from 12:00 – 4:00. Walk throughs are available, pet meet and greets are by appointment.
View all adoptable pets anytime online at www.klamathanimalshelter.org
And of course donations of all kinds are welcome at the shelter. Thank you.

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