Lost River, Henley, and Bonanza high schools have been awarded Career and Technical Education (CTE) Revitalization Grants to expand hands-on programs, update and build computer and business labs, and improve career and technical readiness pathways for students.

Lost River: $125,000
Lost River Junior/Senior High School received $125,000 to expand technology and equipment to industry standards and renovating a computer lab to unite its two CTE programs, agricultural science and technology and business and marketing. New technology and equipment would include design software, computers, vinyl cutting machines, heat presses, poster printers engravers, a state-of-the-art robotic wood CNC table, and an enclosed trailer for marketing students to sell products at community events.
The new state-of-the-art lab will provide students with hands-on opportunities for career readiness and provide space to expand CTE instruction to seventh- and eighth-graders.
Meghan Miller, CTE ag science teacher at Lost River, said the project will provide students an opportunity to be career ready when they graduate high school.
“We are ecstatic at this opportunity to unity our two CTE programs to not only improve and serve our local schools, but our communities as well,” she said. “Students need to know not only how to market our school and programs, but themselves in the career world.”
Henley: $125,000
Henley High School will use its $125,000 grant to start a digital media design program. The new program will align with credits and courses needed for students to continue studying for an associate’s or bachelor’s degree at Southern Oregon University and Oregon Tech. Courses at the high school will be offered as dual credit in Klamath Community College’s Digital Media Design program.
Grants funds also will be used to refurbish computers and monitors in an existing digital arts computer lab, purchase laptops for students to access industry-grade design software at home, purchase a classroom set of digital cameras and a lighting studio, and create an industry-standard collaboration space where students from the school’s six CTE programs can meet and develop project solutions for student-led businesses.
Bonanza: $17,465
Bonanza Junior/Senior High School will use a $17,465 grant to build and equip a new business lab/CTE production room. The lab would be used by the CTE business program to create customer products for the student store and FBLA program.
The new lab will be next to the student store in the Bo Town Showcase, a newly renovated common area that highlights the school’s business and agriculture CTE programs, including clubs such as FBLA, FFA, and robotics.
This year, the state awarded 54 CTE Revitalization Grants to schools across Oregon. The Oregon Legislature established the competitive grant program to strengthen the alignment of CTE, workforce development and economic development. The CTE Revitalization Advisory Committee with representatives from organized labor, trade organizations, education and Oregon’s business, labor, industry and trades communities, the applications, prioritizing awards based on geographic diversity, community partnerships and programs that lead to high-wage, in-demand occupations, especially for historically and currently marginalized students.
“It’s been just great to see schools and students embrace these opportunities to learn real-world, hands on skills they will carry into the future,” said Labor Commissioner Val Hoyle. “It’s important that all students, no matter where they live get to experience unique CTE opportunities. There is no one way students learn or one path to success.”
All six high schools in the Klamath County School District offer CTE programs, and the district plans to expand the classes to its junior high schools.