Want to know what’s going on at Bonanza Junior-Senior High School? Check out the school’s weekly live newscast and special programming on BTV.

On a recent news broadcast, anchors Jazmine Garcia and Addison Bacolas highlighted upcoming events – a Valentine’s Day dance, Bingo fundraiser, cornhole tournament and FFA district competition — before handing it off to Tanner Mestas for a 3-day and 7-day weather forecast. Oak Tenold updated classmates on wrestling and basketball, and Garcia and Bacolas ended the 5-minute program with a shout out to the FBLA members who qualified for state.
Bacolas jumped at the opportunity to be a part of BTV. “I really wanted to get out of my shell, and I felt it was a really good opportunity to explore and tell people what’s going on in our school,” she said.

The idea of Bonanza TV was planted in September when leadership and history teacher Corey Hedger began livestreaming volleyball games on the Bonanza Schools Facebook page. His goal was to get students involved, and by late fall, his leadership students launched BTV with a weekly live newscast, featuring school events, sports, and even the local weather. The school’s home girls’ and boys’ basketball games are live-streamed and attract viewers from across the country.
Bonanza principal Jordan Osborn said BTV would not have happened without Hedger, who is in his first year as a teacher.
“Mr. Hedger has brought a ton of positive energy and great ideas to Bonanza. He is a difference-maker at our school,” Osborn said. “He has the skill set to make this happen, and he is teaching the students how to write scripts, edit video, green screen and include outside audio. He also is working on their speaking skills and presentation abilities.”

published in the Oregon English Journal, during an episode of BTV’s “After the Final Cut.”
As a high school student in Oregon City, Hedger was involved in broadcasting and used his experiences to start a similar program at Bonanza
The popularity of the BTV’s sports and news programs inspired an additional broadcast called “After the Final Cut,” an extension to the school’s regular BTV news.
“These focus on a single person at school and highlight the great things they are accomplishing,” Hedger said.
On Feb. 7, BTV released a special episode specifically honoring and thanking school counselor Andy Davis during National Counselor Appreciation Week. Students and staff were interviewed on camera, thanking Davis for the effort he puts in to help students succeed.
An earlier “After the Final Cut” featured Bonanza English teacher Delana Heidrich, who had a recent article published in the Oregon English Journal. Lalita Maldonado conducted the five-minute interview with Heidrich, who has written 31 books and frequently has articles published by the Oregon English Journal and A New Day magazine.
“She is a well-known and much-respected teacher in the English language arts world,” Osborn said. “We are lucky to have such a tremendous teacher on staff here at Bonanza with such an incredible talent.”
The media committee in Bonanza’s leadership class operates BTV and comes up with content ideas. The goal is to boost school spirit by promoting activities such as sports, robotics, dances, FBLA, FFA, and other events.
“BTV’s impact is great,” said Oak Tenold, lead BTV sports reporter. “We have a lot more school spirit and it spices up our day.”
For the latest BTV programs, go to Bonanza Schools Facebook page:
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