Henley Senior Organizes Science Expo For Elementary Students

Ferguson Elementary School students learned about science concepts — static electricity, inertia, and friction — and docked “spaceships” thanks to a Henley High School senior who for her senior project organized a hands-on Science Expo.

Ferguson Elementary School students Fletcher Farris and Bryan Villegas create static electricity during Friday’s ScienceExpo.

Elle Larson spent more than 30 hours organizing, researching and determining hands-on science activities appropriate for kindergarten through sixth-grade students. She then recruited 40 high school volunteers to help her.

Hands-on activities included stacking index cards without tape, making slime, creating static electricity and learning how it works, exploring inertia and friction by making spinning tops, racing hot wheel cars and using teamwork to simulate a spaceship docking.

“This science expo is an opportunity to introduce young students to scientific concepts in a fun way,” Larson said. “Hopefully this will lead to more students looking forward to science classes in middle school and high school and participating in STEM programs in the community.”

Elle Larson, a senior at Henley High School, organized a Science Expo at Ferguson Elementary School for her senior project.

She chose Ferguson Elementary School because she attended the school as a grade school student. Ferguson Principal Kelley Fritz also was principal at the school when Larson attended. “It’s wonderful. The kids love it, the teachers love it,” she said of the Science Expo. “It involves science and it’s hands-on.”

Elle Larson, far right, poses for a photo with Gracie Parker, Chris Beard, Alyssa Michaelis, Bradyn Tillman, and Tanikwah
Lang, some of the 40 Henley High School students who volunteered to help her with the Science Expo at Ferguson Elementary School.

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