Join the Crunch at Once Event

Local students will bite into an Oregon apple to celebrate Farm-to-School month

In celebration of National Farm-to-School month, more than 3,000 students at Bonanza, Chiloquin, Malin, Merrill, Shasta, Stearns, Henley, Pelican and Conger schools will “Crunch at Once” at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 29 by simultaneously biting into an Oregon-grown apple.

“This is a fun and delicious way to create excitement about Oregon-grown food and celebrate the farmers that grow it,” said Patty Case, family and community health agent for the OSU Klamath Basin Extension Center and a coordinator of the local Farm-to-School efforts. “Purchasing Oregon-grown food for schools takes extra effort but everyone wins — the students, the farmer, and the local economy.”

Klamath County School District’s Farm-to-School program is purchasing some of the apples from the Organically Grown Company; others are being donated by Klamath-Lake Counties Food Bank from local apple trees. The community is encouraged to “get their crunch on” and be part of this collective activity by identifying and enjoying apples grow in Oregon.

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