Lost River FFA- Les Schwab Food Drive

Lost River FFA and Merrill Les Schwab work together to #DriveAwayHunger

Food donations collected all month; Lost River FFA also seeking farm, ranch crop donations The Lost River FFA Chapter and Lost River ASB leadership of Merrill has teamed up with the Merrill Les Schwab Tire Center to launch a statewide hunger initiative to raise food to help #DriveAwayHunger and meet the growing need in the community. The food drive will take place during the entire month of October.

Be on the lookout for activities and collections happening throughout the community during the month of October. Community members are encouraged to drop food donations at any Les Schwab Tire Store, Grange Coop Store, Lost River Junior-Senior High School, or at this year’s annual Potato Festival following the parade Oct. 19 at the Lost River FFA booth in front of the Merrill Civic Center.

“This is a special project for the Oregon FFA because FFA members are given the opportunity to live out their motto of ‘learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live and living to serve.’ ” said Meghan Miller agricultural science and technology instructor and Lost River FFA Chapter advisor at Lost River Junior-Senior High School. “The food drive is Les Schwab and Lost River FFA Chapter’s way of helping fight hunger and partnering together to lend a helping hand.”

In addition to nonperishable food, the FFA is seeking farm and ranch crop donations. If you are interested in donating a portion of your food crop, please contact Meghan Miller, Lost River FFA chapter advisor, at 541-798-5666. All donations received will be given to the local food pantries. Donations are acceptable all month.

If there is more food donated than can be used locally, it will be distributed by the Oregon Food Bank to other pantries throughout the state. To learn more, visit the Oregon FFA Facebook page and #DriveAwayHunger. To learn more about FFA visit www.oregonffa.com or www.ffa.org.

For more information, contact:
Marcia Schlottmann, public relations, Klamath County School District
541-851-8743; schlottmannm@kcsd.k12.or.us

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