4 Tips to Keep Pets Out of Trouble During Back-to-School Season

When structured school days and hours away from home return to the schedule, all members of the household feel the shift, even pets. Pets go from long days with the family in the yard to less time and activities with their favorite people. 

Keep them in mind as you plan your days to ensure they get the activity they need and remain in a safe environment. When left to their own devices, furry family members can make questionable decisions, and the old “dog ate my homework” adage can come to life in a number of ways.

However, pet owners can count on an option like GREENIES Dental Treats to distract their pets from bad behavior and be their dog’s best decision of the day. Be on the lookout for these potential mishaps, and visit Greenies.com for more information on better doggie decisions.

Watch the Door
Going from all-day adventures with kids too long hours away may leave your pet feeling bored and lonely. If your dog is craving a little adventure, following his or her friends outside and onto the school bus may seem like a reasonable solution. Make it a safe activity that both dogs and kids can look forward to by leashing your dog and joining them for the daily sendoff.

Store Lunches and Goodies Safely
While homework and paper aren’t appealing to all dogs, bake sale snacks or packed lunches may pique more interest. A simple way to divert your pet’s attention while you’re prepping and packing food and goodies is an option like a GREENIES Dental Treat. Not only can the treat keep your furry friend occupied and away from countertops, but the chewy texture also helps clean his or her teeth by fighting both plaque and tartar buildup, freshening breath and helping to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Keep Backpacks Zipped
You never know what you’ll find in a child’s backpack. In addition to the basics like notebooks, pens, and pencils, there’s always a chance of finding leftover food. Because dogs are known to stick their noses where they don’t belong, it’s important to keep schoolbags zipped and out of their reach.

Stow Away Wires and Cords
From laptops and tablets to earbuds and chargers, tech devices are essential during the school year. While kids are busy doing homework, your dog’s attention could turn to these gadgets at any time, so keep cords and wires packed away and devices on top of tables and desks or in their protective cases when not in use.

Photos of family walking dog and women with laptop and dog courtesy of Adobe Stock. Photo of girl with backpack courtesy of Getty Images.


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