At the most recent Healthy Klamath meeting, a coalition of organizations met to approve a new logo, take the next step in a community health improvement plan (CHIP), and go over upcoming events.
Blue Zones Project, Cascade Health Alliance, and many other organizations met on the 25th to approve the new logo, go over the community health improvement plan process and get the word out about upcoming events, here is just a few!
Coming soon!
Blue Zones Project
- Tobacco litter clean up in June in the MIlls Neighborhood
- New KFOM website that will accept credit card payments and be more user-friendly
- Quarterly Food for Thought Events- Next one in June with a focus on 4H
- A larger Presence in Farmers Market- See you in June!
- The 10-minute walk campaign, everyone should be able to walk 10 minutes to get to a park in the Klamath Basin
- Give Back day with on May 16th
- Bike to Work May 17th- prizes and free breakfast
Moore Institute Visit
- Conversations about the link between nutrition, maternal health and its impact on long-term health outcomes for children (epigenetics)
- Discussion of mindset and culture of schools in regards to only meeting minimum nutrition for students.
You Matter to Klamath Coalition (Suicide Prevention)
- Town Hall at Mills School May 18th
- NAMI Walk on June 1st at Veterans Park