Contributions from Paul Hanson at Wynne Broadcasting’s KFLS 1450AM / 102.5FM and The Herald & News
MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2019
Sunny, with a high near 72. Overnight, clear with a low around 44.
Mostly sunny, with a high near 75.
Mostly sunny, with a high near 76.
Sunny, with a high near 76.
Mostly sunny, with a high near 69.
Mostly sunny, with a high near 65.
See Road Camera Views:
Lake of the Woods
Doak Mtn.
Hiwy 97 at Chemult
Hiwy 140 at Bly
Hiwy 97 at GreenSprings Dr.
Hiway 97 at LaPine
Today’s Basin News Headlines
April 23 – May 17, 2019
Streets Division crews will be performing Maintenance on the Oregon Avenue Bike Lane preparing for the re-opening on May 17, 2019.
Work to be performed: • Sign repair and replacement – ongoing (Bike Lane closure) • Delineator pocket repair and cleaning – ongoing (Bike Lane closure) • Lane striping, tentative –
May 14, 2019 (Bike Lane closure) (Weather permitting) • Delineator installation –
May 14-16, 2019 (Bike Lane closure) (Weather Permitting) Most work will be completed during the hours of 6:30 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. The Streets Staff would like to thank our citizens in advance for proceeding with caution in areas where crews are working. Work may be delayed due to weather, equipment break-down or unexpected emergencies.
The Department of Environmental Quality invites the public to submit written comments on the 2017 Klamath Falls and Oakridge Exceptional Event EPA Concurrence Request document.
Klamath Falls and Oakridge air monitors experienced smoke from wildfire events in 2017 that caused, in part, higher levels of PM2.5 (fine particle pollution) that violated the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
DEQ developed an Exceptional Event Request document requesting that EPA exclude data that are directly related to the wildfire from use in the 2017 regulatory determinations.
The public notice and Exceptional Event Request document can be viewed here:
How do I participate?
To submit your comments for the public record, send them by mail, fax or email:
D Pei Wu, PhD
Air Quality Planner
700 NE Multnomah St, Suite 600
Portland, OR 97232
Fax: 503-229-6124
Written comments are due by 5 p.m. May 20, 2019.
Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook or
Visit Oregon DEQ

Rebecca Kordecki, Founder of the youth interactive mindfulness program, Flip The S.W.I.T.C.H. is determined to stand up and educate on mindfulness and suicide awareness across the nation
Celebrity Personal Trainer, Wellness and Breathwork Coach, Rebecca Kordecki is the keynote speaker for You Matter to Klamath, the first annual suicide prevention town hall hosted by Klamath Basin Behavioral Health.
All parents, teachers, students, and community members are welcome to attend this free event on May 18, 2019, from 12:00 PM- 3:30 PM PDT. For details on directions, click here.
Kordecki will present her youth interactive mindfulness program, Flip The S.W.I.T.C.H. while incorporating an emphasis on suicide prevention.
Kordecki is the creator of the well-known fitness program, Booty Slide, owner of RKFIT, her personal training program, and owner of The Breath Zone, her corporate breathwork/mindfulness program.
Having over 24 years of experience as a celebrity trainer, corporate wellness advocate, podcast/radio host, speaker, and wellness expert, Kordecki wanted to establish a program that could touch the entire nation.
Flip the S.W.I.T.C.H. is a program designed to empower youth coming from all sorts of difficult backgrounds. The program’s purpose is to infuse adults and kids with ways to prevent or minimize ever getting to the place of having thoughts of suicide and ways to manage other debilitating emotions or issues like anxiety, bullying, anger, loneliness, lack of confidence, and sadness with interactive mindfulness exercises and tools that can be used anywhere and at any time.
To see a presentation of the Flip The S.W.I.T.C.H. program by Rebecca Kordecki, click here or visit this link,
To learn more about the first annual suicide prevention town hall, You Matter to Klamath, click here or visit this link. To learn more about Rebecca Kordecki visit

Mills Community Garden Plot Applications Available for 2019
The garden is located at Richmond St. and Orchard Avenue in Klamath Falls. Gardeners can grow nutritious vegetables for themselves and their families. There is a greenhouse for sensitive plants and for growing veggie starts. All are welcome!
-Half box 4′ X 10′ is $20 a full
box 4′ X 20′ is $35.
-Scholarships available for low income people.
-For more information contact Christina Pasillas at
541 882-3116 or
Klamath Wingwatchers and Interested Parties
Thursday, April 25 at 7 pm is our Board meeting at 409 Pine. Everyone is welcome. Most of our conversation is trail related. Come and help us plan what happens on our trail. Give us YOUR ideas. Can’t make the meeting? Send ideas to
Saturday, April 27 from 10 am – noon is Trail Maintenance day again. Meet at Visitor Center at 205 Riverside. Bring gloves if you have them. We can supply some if you don’t. Bring friends and family over 12 years of age to help keep the trail walkable. Remember that no tax money maintains the trail. It is all volunteers, like yourself.
Thursday, May 16 is our partnership with Klamath Union High School for Give Back Day. Students arrive at 9 am and can stay until 11:30 am. We can use some adult team leaders, if you can make the time.
Saturday, May 18 is World Migratory bird Day at Veteran’s Park from 10 am – 3 pm. We will have a booth.
Saturday, June 1 is Link River Days from 10 am – 3 pm. We will have a booth. Want to help? Email
Wingwatchers is not going to survive as a trail and wetland education group unless YOU get involved. Help us keep Wingwatchers alive and well.
– Klamath Wingwatcher Board
Klamath Wingwatchers Meeting Agenda
Thursday , April 25, 2019 at 7 pm at 409 Pine
1) Accept Minutes of March 28, 2019
2) Treasurer’s Report (Allan Lowe):
3) Quick Updates, Action Items, News since previous Board Meeting:
a) Thanks to Bill Wood and Allan Lowe for putting in a 3rd nest on the South Pond- we have nesting geese on 2 of the 3 islands
b) Thanks to Ralph especially (he pre-cut all the pieces for the nest boxes), but also Charlotte, Allan, Lin and Leslie for building 22 birdhouses with Sarah Gray’s class; Ralph and Allan put them on the trail already!
c) Thanks to Dave Potter for jumping in as Trail Volunteer coordinator and doing a great job of contacting people and making sure we do a better job with our volunteers
d) Thanks to the Refuge Ed person, John Fitzroy, who is purchasing 360 KBBT booklets to give away at Migratory Bird Day
e) Thanks to Lin for setting up Give Back Day with KU High School
f) Thanks to Dave and Bill for lowering the South Pond water level by taking advantage of the lowered lake level that Dave recognized
g) Did I miss anything?
4) Committee Reports
a) POP: (Leslie, Ralph, Allan, Bonnie, Joe, Ron Crete of Arts on the Flyway, and Elliott Vanzandt);
2 pelicans at Ross Ragland with donation boxes have nothing in the boxes; Nothing new
b) Lake Ewauna Trail (Bill Wood):
* Volunteer Coordination: Dave; update
* Trail work for March through October
- More wood chips on Ken Hay trail – Spring
- Re do 2nd shed – Bill and Ralph – July; Lowes will bring railroad ties to raise shed up
- Ellis will put number labels on the Boy Scout Trail Map at head of Lake Ewauna Trail
- Clean/ Repair/ repaint picnic tables, kiosks in June/July
- Spray weeds with salt/vinegar, soap mixture; help from City?
- Ellis sign re poor wheelchair access on lakeside trail
- Leslie will spray post numbers with orange and paint the numbers again (already hard to read in some cases)-Leslie and Allan will replace kiosk Plexiglas; May
- Embankment repair update: John Fitzroy/Refuge assistance with rock cages
- Repair/Replace kiosk broken leg near South Portal (help from Refuge?)
- Talk with John Bellon about cutting down dead tree to left of Visitor Center picnic table and/or move Visitor Center picnic table closer to bldg
- Plan work for May 16 give back day 9 – 11:30 am
- Remove bench and barrel from hillside and put on Ken Hay trail
- Trapping of beaver, rock chuck, muskrat due to damage on trail; update from Dave, help from John at Refuge?
- Move trash barrel at blind and just have barrels at picnic tables; put barrel near Visitor center picnic table?
- Take off wire around fallen trees, etc and place where needed; pick up unused wire cages
- Remove fallen aspen near Library sign 19; reuse cage material and Aspen sign elsewhere
- Move Deere bench on dike or fill in material where feet should go
- Other ???
7) Board meeting schedule: Thursdays at 7 pm at 409 Pine
May 23, 2019 No meeting in June
July 25, 2019 No meeting in August
September 26, 2019
The Klamath Falls Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Monday, May 13, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City Administration Building, 500 Klamath Avenue, Klamath Falls, Oregon, to consider the following item(s):
Variance 1-VAR-19 for Jim and Lisa Kochenderfer requesting a variance from CDO Section 12.000 to allow for the construction of a garage, a listed accessory use, as a primary standalone use within Single Family Residential zoning and due to difficulty obtaining sewer services necessary for a residence a portion of Map Tax Lot R-3808-025DB-01600-000 addressed as 1032 Lakeshore Drive.
A meeting agenda report and other applicable material will be made available for review and inspection. For more information contact the City Planning Manager Joe Wall at 541-883-5272.