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Oregon News Update, Wednesday; DUI Patrols, Missing Person, Measles, Health Record Data Breach

Oregon News – Wednesday, March 27, 2019 Basin Life Magazine

Missing Person in Rogue River, Oregon. 

Tina Moriarty, age 47, was last seen at approximately 12:15 AM in Rogue River, OR at her mother’s residence. Tina was supposed to drive back to her residence located in the 400 block of SW J St in Grants Pass, OR. Tina did not return home. Tina was last seen wearing red tennis shoes, black baggie pants, and a red/white checkered short sleeve shirt.

Tina is described as a white female adult, 5’4″ tall and weighing approximately 150lbs, brown wavy shoulder length hair, and a tattoo on back of her neck.

Tina was last seen driving a 2008 Mercury Grand Marquis 4 door sedan, dark blue in color. The vehicle has an Oregon license plate “708 HCN.” Tina has been known to frequent Seven Feathers Casino/Resort. Vehicle pictured is not actual vehicle, but similar in appearance. 

Health officials report two new cases of measles from Marion County exposure

A Multnomah County and a Clackamas County resident have been diagnosed with the measles.

The two cases stem from an outbreak that began in Marion County, where two people have tested positive for measles. This outbreak is unrelated to a large outbreak that began in Clark County, Wash., in January.

The Clackamas County resident had previously visited a Salem missionary training school, Youth With a Mission, during the same time as an Illinois resident who was contagious with measles.

“The spread of this disease in Oregon is a sobering reminder of how this virus can travel,” said Ann Thomas, MD, public health physician at OHA. “So, if you haven’t already, make sure all adults and children in your household are up-to-date on vaccines.”


The Oregon residents visited the following locations while contagious with measles:

Find a complete list of all Oregon public exposures on the OHA website at healthoregon.org/measles.

Who to call about Measles

Public health officials urge people not to arrive unannounced at a medical office, if:

  1. They are not immune AND
  2. They have been exposed within the previous 21 days AND
  3. They have symptoms of measles (such as fever, cough, red eyes or rash).

First, call a health care provider or urgent care center by telephone to create an entry plan to avoid exposing others in waiting rooms.

People with questions about measles infection or the measles vaccine should call their primary care provider or their county health department.

About measles

Measles poses the highest risk to unvaccinated pregnant women, infants under 12 months of age, and people with weakened immune systems.

The symptoms of measles start with a fever, cough, runny nose and red eyes, followed by a rash that usually begins on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.

Common complications of measles include ear infection, lung infection, and diarrhea. Swelling of the brain is a rare but much more serious complication.

After someone contracts measles, illness develops in about two weeks, but people can be contagious up to four days before they get a rash.

Measles is a highly contagious virus that spreads through the air after a person with measles coughs or sneezes. People are contagious with measles as soon as they feel sick until up to four days after the rash starts. The virus can also linger in the air for up to two hours after someone who is infectious has left the area.

You are considered immune to measles if ANY of the following apply:

  • You were born before 1957.
  • Your physician has diagnosed you with measles.
  • A blood test proves that you are immune.
  • You have had two doses of measles vaccine.

The measles vaccine, known as MMR, is safe and very effective. Almost everyone with two MMR vaccines has long-term protection against measles.

For more information on measles for the public, please visit the OHA measles webpage or see answers to common questions about measles in English and other languages here: Winter 2019 Measles Outbreak: Frequently Asked Questions.

Months of investigating Molly Meador (33 years of age)  for drug distribution within Josephine County culminated in her arrest on Thursday, March 21st. Meador was contacted after she stopped at Sam’s Market on Monument Drive near Hugo.

During the contact, GPDPS K9 Officer Gasperson and his partner “Match” were summoned. Match alerted to the presence of narcotics in the vehicle Meador was driving. During the search, nearly a pound of methamphetamine, one quarter pound of heroin, packaging material, scales and $1,306 cash was seized.

The Rogue Area Drug Enforcement team is a multi-agency task force comprised of members from the Oregon State Police, Grants Pass Department of Public Safety, Josephine County Community Corrections, and the Josephine County District Attorney’s Office.  RADE’s mission it to enforce laws and protect citizens from illegal drug activity and related criminal acts in Josephine County.

Worse than previously thought.  The Oregon Department of Human Services disclosed that millions of agency emails had been breached in January, exposing the personal medical information potentially hundreds of thousands.

The agency said it discovered the data breach involving 2 million emails on Jan. 8 and by Jan. 28 realized the emails included personal medical information protected under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, otherwise known as HIPAA.

The agency hasn’t confirmed that any information was actually taken, just that it was exposed. Agency officials couldn’t readily explain why the public was being alerted two months later.

Spokesman Robert Oakes said the agency does not know how many peoples’ information was exposed. Oakes said there is the potential for the breach to expose the information of at least 350,000.

When asked why the public wasn’t notified in January, he said it just took time to go through the large number of emails to figure out what was exposed. When asked what happened in the two months since the discovery of the breach, Oakes declined to elaborate, saying “it just took time.”

“We want to make it publicly available out of an abundance of caution,” he said.

The phishing scheme gained the perpetrators access to email records that included health information, according to a news release from the Department of Human Services.

Oakes said the agency provides services to 1.6 million people, and the data breach could impact anyone from those involved in the foster care system, to those receiving food assistance to the elderly or disabled.

Among the information compromised was social security numbers and dates of birth, Oakes said.

The agency has hired an outside firm, IDExperts, to review the issue and confirm the number of clients exposed in the breach and what information was compromised.

According to the release, nine DHS employees opened a spam email and clicked on a link which gave the hackers access to the employees’ email records. Those nine email boxes contained nearly 2 million emails. Those nine accounts were frozen on Jan. 8 as state experts worked to understand the issue, Oakes said.

The outside firm is now working to directly identify those whose information was exposed. It will then contact those people and inform them on how to protect themselves. Starting Friday, that firm will staff a call center and website where people who believe they are victims of the scheme can access information.

The Grants Pass Department of Public Safety is investigating broken business windows and damage to parked vehicles.

The incidents occurred beginning on Friday, March 22nd and extending through Saturday night. The suspects used BB guns to break large business windows and to damage parked cars.  Grants Pass Police would appreciate assistance from the public to identify the owner of the pictured vehicle, which was seen in the area of one of the occurrences.  At this time, the vehicle is of interest, but not necessarily directly tied to the crimes.  As of Monday morning, GPDPS has identified seven victims related to the incidents from the weekend.  

Drunk Driving Patrols for Spring Break – Be Warned

JACKSON COUNTY – While many families are heading out on road trips for Spring Break 2019, Jackson County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) deputies are working to keep those roads safe.  From Monday, March 25, to Sunday, March 31, extra deputies will be out and about looking for impaired drivers.

Patrols will focus on rural areas and roads leading to destinations such as lakes, campgrounds, and winter recreation areas.  Grant funding allows JCSO to put extra deputies on the road to look for impaired drivers without taking away from normal calls for service.  It is part of the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign sponsored by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Deputies say prevention is the key – follow these tips to help ensure you have a safe spring break:

  • DRINK OR DRIVE: Once you know where you’ll celebrate, decide whether you’re drinking or driving – choose only one and stick to it.
  • WEED WARNING: Even though the recreational use of marijuana is legal for adults in Oregon, it is not legal (or safe) to drive while impaired by the drug.
  • GETTING AROUND: Before you head out, know how you’re getting home. If you’re the designated driver, don’t drink. If you’re impaired and your ride falls through, use a taxi or rideshare service, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation to get home safely.
  • PASSENGERS, TOO: Drivers aren’t the only ones at risk. Only accept a ride from a sober driver.
  • HELP A FRIEND: If you know someone who is about to drive while impaired, help them to make other transportation arrangements or offer them a place to stay.
  • SAY SOMETHING: If you suspect an impaired driver on the roadway, call 911 immediately.

Deputies also remind drivers to buckle up and put their cell phones away. Have a safe and fun spring break!

THE MILL CASINO  – The Oregon Employer Council Spring Conference, an annual event, will be held on Monday and Tuesday, April 29th and 30th at The Mill Casino in North Bend.

The Fall Conference offers keynote speakers and breakout sessions on human resources, labor law, and business topics, as well as opportunities to network with businesses from around the state. SHRM credits will be available.

Early bird registration is $299 and standard registration after April 1st is $349. Booths are available for exhibitors for between $600 and $800. To register or for more information, contact Greg Ivers gregory.e.ivers@state.or.us. Agenda and more information are available at www.oec.org.

The Oregon Employer Council is a nonprofit organization with chapters throughout Oregon.  OEC chapters create bridges between business and government, and provide low cost, local training for businesses. Membership is open to all Oregon businesses.

Ideas Booth returns to the Oregon Historical Society March 22 – April 2, 2019

Portland, OR – March 22, 2019 – The Oregon Historical Society is excited to partner once again with TEDxPortland on the Ideas Booth to crowd-source an Idea Worth Spreading for TEDxPortland Year 9!

Created in 2018 and unique to TEDxPortland, community members can visit the Ideas Booth at the Oregon Historical Society for a chance to join the TEDxPortland stage – a platform that has hosted names including Ann Curry, Macklemore, and Colin O’Brady. The Ideas Booth will be accepting ideas from March 22 through April 2 and is open during regular Oregon Historical Society museum hours. All visitors to the Ideas Booth will also receive free admission to visit the Oregon Historical Society!

After overwhelming success last year — with over 250 submissions — not one, but two speakers were selected to take the TEDxPortland stage at the Keller Auditorium. Steve Eberlein and Kristine Napper were the two speakers selected from the Ideas Booth to share their Idea with over 3,000 people.

For Eberlein, whose Talk motivated him to launch a preparedness communications consultancy that specializes in earthquakes, the Ideas Booth truly changed his life:

“From the moment that I entered the TEDxPortland office, the team was there to support me, to challenge me, to cheer for me, and to guide me toward making the most of my nine minutes on stage,” said Eberlein. “I expected TEDxPortland to only be an event. As it turns out, I was indoctrinated into a family of like-minded individuals who share a high tolerance for risk, a low tolerance for egos, a generosity of spirit and, above all, a healthy dose of courage. In December, I doubled down on myself by resigning from my job of ten years to launch my own enterprise. The Ideas Booth was the first door of opportunity. Now I’m in the business of creating my own doors.”

This year, the TEDxPortland stage has room for one more person — and it could be you!

About the Ideas Booth:


Oregon Historical Society

1200 SW Park Avenue

Portland, OR 97205

Days / Hours of Operation: 

Friday, March 22 through Tuesday, April 2

Monday – Saturday, 10am – 5pm

Sunday, 12pm – 5pm


Share your Idea through the StoryTap platform in 90 seconds or less. If your Idea is chosen, you will be selected to present on stage at the Keller Auditorium on April 27 in front of 3,000+ attendees. The selected speaker will receive a speaker coach and a professional graphic designer to assist with visuals.

BLM Advisory Council to meet April 4-5 in Vale, OR

VALE, Ore.– The Bureau of Land Management announced that the Southeast Oregon Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will meet Thursday and Friday, April 4-5, at the Vale District office, 100 Oregon St., Vale, OR 97918.

The public is welcome to attend this meeting, which will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday, April 4, and 8 a.m. to noon Friday, April 5.

RACs provide advice and recommendations necessary for the BLM to consider resource and land management issues within the agency. The BLM maintains 38 chartered advisory committees located in the West, which serve as sounding boards for BLM initiatives, regulatory proposals and policy changes. 

“RAC members provide valuable insight on issues and solutions for a wide variety of BLM resource management activities in Harney, Malheur and Lake Counties,” BLM Burns District Manager Jeff Rose said. 

The agenda includes presentations and discussions regarding the Southeastern Oregon Resource Management Plan Amendment Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Lakeview Resource Management Plan Amendment Draft Environmental Impact Statement, the proposed Calico/Grassy Mountain mining project, Virtue Flat OHV Area, and any other business that may reasonably come before the RAC. In the absence of a quorum, those present will meet as the SEORAC Public Lands Access Subcommittee, but no action will be taken.

Less than 3 weeks until Dorchester 2019!

Head to the hills for the greatest political party of the year! April 12-13 at the Resort at the Mountain. Tickets are limited, so reserve yours today!

Mayor Stan Pulliam will address Dorchester 2019 as this year’s rising star.

November was tough for Oregon Republicans, but Stan Pulliam managed to buck all the trends by pulling out a stunning victory over the popular incumbent mayor of Sandy.

Since winning election, Stan has made headlines for groundbreaking work on addressing traffic and infrastructure – and continues to govern with unshakable common-sense values. Hear how he plans to “Keep Sandy Wonderful” for years to come while enjoying the Resort at the Mountain in the city itself!

Stan joins Congressman Greg Walden on our speaker line-up. We’ll be announcing another big speaker later this week. Hurry and sign-up! Registration is limited.

About the Conference

Dorchester 2019 is set to go for April 12-13! This year, we’ve moved the conference to the Resort at the Mountain in Welches. Friday kicks off with a golf tournament (optional), and concludes with a Friday night party with live music by Robots Building Robots along with a no-host bar and a prime rib buffet dinner ($25).

Saturday is the full Dorchester conference with speakers, table topics, debates, keynote address and the world famous Dorchester tent show with all meals included.

We have discounted room rates at the Resort on the Mountain – just mention Dorchester (800) 733-0800. They even have pet friendly rooms (upon request)! Standard rooms are $119 + resort fee and tax – and Fireside Studios are $149 + resort fee and tax. All rooms have desk area, TV, Kurig, refrigerator and microwave. 

We are hanging on to four golf villas that will have hospitality suites throughout the conference.

Only 150 tickets are left, so please register today!

Registration ends April 9th or whenever we sell out.

All times below are tentative and subject to change.


10:00 Registration opens for Golf Tournament

11:00 Golf Tournament Begins

4:00 Registration Opens Vendor Table Set-up

6:00 No-Host Dinner / Reception, Golf Awards, Live Music at Mallard’s Pub

7:00 Registration Closes


8:00 Buffet Breakfast, Registration Opens

9:00 Conference Called to Order

9:45 Issue #1

10:45 Networking Break

11:45 Panel Discussion

12:15 Box Lunch, Networking Break

12:45 Speaker

1:30 Issue #2

2:30 Networking Break

3:00 Speaker

3:45 Breakout Sessions

5:30 Social Hour and No-Host Bar

6:15 Dinner Served

7:00 Evening Program Begins

7:30 Keynote Speaker

8:05 Tent Show

9:00 Closing Remarks / Conference Closes

Must Read

Klamath Basin News, Tuesday, Jan. 14 – Jack-knifed Truck Blocking Both Directions of Hiway 140, Which Remains Closed as of 5:44PM

Brian Casey

Oregon National Guard Youth Challenge Program Class 2019-02 Graduates!

Brian Casey

Helping Prevent Wildfires Starts at Home

Renee Shaw