Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Recreation Report

The Oregon Fish & Wildlife Report
…brought to you by BASIN GLASS & ALUMINUM
1317 East Main St., Klamath Falls

ODFW Recreation Report
March 27, 2019

Three reasons to spend time outside during spring break

1)   ODFW will be stocking 47 waterbodies with 89,559 legal-size trout (give or take) this week – just in time for spring break. The recent spring-like weather has put trout in the mood to bite, so grab your rod, your kids, your friends and go catch dinner. See the zone updates for a stocking location near you.

2)   Gray whales are migrating along the Oregon coast. Volunteers for the Whale Watching Spoken Here program staff whale watching stations along the coast, check the website for specific times and places. You also can just go out on your own when the weather is good, but don’t forget your binoculars!

3)   Spring bird migration is underway at many eastside wildlife areas. Viewing choices include sandhill cranes at Klamath and Ladd Marsh, turkey vultures and swans at Summer Lake, and songbirds, waterfowl and shorebirds galore at wildlife areas throughout the state. Check out the latest arrivals in the zone reports.

Take the family fishing

ODFW makes it easy to take your family fishing – with free fishing events, recommended family-friendly fishing locations, and how-to text and videos on everything from buying your gear to cooking your catch.

Find the events and opportunities near you.

Preview the spring bear season

Late season snows will limit access and delay green-up. See what else is in store for the 2019 season in the spring bear hunting forecast now posted online.

Best bets for weekend fishing

Trout, winter steelhead and early season Chinook promise some good fishing over the weekend.

  • Trout stocking is underway across the state — from the Southwest Zone reservoirs to Northeast Zone ponds. Conditions are good and trout are hungry. That’s your cue to go fishing!
  • In the southwest zone, the winter steelhead season continues with anglers catching fish on the Rogue and North and South Umpqua.
  • The first spring Chinook of the season should be caught on the mainstem Umpqua any time now. Could it be yours?
  • Speaking of spring Chinook, anglers are catching them on the lower Willamette.
  • Keep an eye on surf conditions and when conditions allow, plan to hit the beach for surfperch fishing. Spring and early summer fishing can be excellent.
  • It’s springtime on the lower Deschutes River and trout fishing should be good from Mack’s Canyon to the locked gate.
  • A push of winter steelhead has entered Hood River. Fishing should peak in the next couple of weeks.
  • Find more details about all the weekend opportunities in the zone reports.

Reminders for big game hunters
Your 2019 hunting season begins now

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