173rd Fighter Wing To Host “Race To Zero” 5K in April

The 173rd Fighter Wing Sexual Assault and Prevention team is hosting the 2nd Annual “Race to Zero” 5K run/walk on Saturday, April 6, 2019 at 2:00 pm at the Klamath Falls Regional Airport. This is a free event.

“This event is held to show support for victims and survivors of sexual assault, as well as promote dignity and respect for all with the hope of reaching zero,” said Amber Spotten, the 173rd FW Sexual Assault Response Coordinator and event planner.

Registration for the race is online at https://einvitations.afit.edu/inv/anim.cfm?i=431419&k=0662430D7A5E.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month, and that is why Spotten chose to host the race then.

“We can’t undo what has been done to so many, but hopefully the more we promote dignity and respect for others, the more we can see the issue of sexual assault decrease,” said Spotten.


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