D & R Auto and Industrial – “We’ve Got a Part for That”!

Serving Klamath Falls for over 50 years! D & R Auto and Industrial!

We work hard to provide you with the best parts and supplies for automotive, farm and agriculture and industrial needs.

Open 7:30AM-5:30PM weekdays, Open Saturdays 8AM-1PM! 

Call 541-882-4619.

Find us on the corner of South 6th and Oak, downtown Klamath Falls. Free delivery service!

D & R has a full Hydraulics Department! We can custom fabricate and can create made-to-order Hoses and Fittings.

We provide a fast, clean & efficient Industrial Cartridge Filter, Filter Cleaning Service for the Klamath Basin.




You’ll find a huge selection of auto and supplies and hand tools at D & R.

We carry a full selection of auto and farm tractor and machinery oils and lubricants and much more!

D & R Auto and Industrial has those hard to find parts and tools. Call or come in and let’s find them for you!

At D & R, we resurface Brakes, Rotors, and Drums. If your brake pads deteriorate completely, you’ll hear a grinding metal-on-metal sound when braking, meaning that it’s too late and you’re ruining your rotors or drums! Come in and we’ll fix them right for you.

Come to D & R for Battery Cables. When you have a specialty battery installation, we will get you the cables your install needs. We have custom battery cable build and rebuild services on site!

Come in and see us today!

D & R Auto and Industrial
410 So. 6th Street, downtown
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601



D & R Auto and Industrial
410 So. 6th Street, downtown
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601



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